WhatsApp, an instant messaging platform owned by Meta, is rolling out a new set of emojis for its users. The app has added Unicode 15.0 emojis in the latest beta update for Android, which is now available on the Google Play Store for eligible users to install and access the new pack of emojis. This significant development makes conversations even more exciting and expressive, with 21 newly introduced emojis that give people more ways to express themselves in their messages and calls with friends and family members worldwide or across town.
In addition to this exciting news, there is speculation that WhatsApp will be introducing an ability soon which would allow people using its services to silence calls from unknown numbers – another great feature that could help protect users' privacy while still allowing them access all the benefits of using one of today's most popular instant messaging platforms!
The update containing these new emojis is currently available only for select beta testers who can download it directly from Google Play Store onto their Android device; however, it should become available for everyone over time as well once all bugs have been ironed out and any necessary changes made based on user feedback from those testing it first-hand right now!
All in all, this latest move by WhatsApp further cements its place as one of today's leading IM providers, with a host of features such as this one (and many others) constantly being developed or released regularly – plus continued efforts towards protecting user safety/privacy at every step along the way – there's no doubt whatsoever why so many people choose them above all else when looking into different options out there!