Users receive the opportunity to provide quick reactions on WhatsApp. The company also revealed 8 different emojis available in the chat. It looks like all Meta-owned companies receive updates on reactions and emojis. You can easily choose emojis and reactions for stories on Messenger and Instagram.
The popular social chatting app WhatsApp has revealed the upcoming emojis that extend users’ choice. You can easily share quick answers by adding any emoji reactions you experience right now. Developers of the app are busy with the Quick Reactions tool, which apparently will allow users to send the reactions while watching the update of the status on WhatsApp. You can already enjoy similar services on Messenger and Instagram. Yet, your choice here is still limited to 8 different emojis.
Although there was no official confirmation of the upcoming Quick Reactions service, WABetaInfo, a well-known WhatsApp tracker of features is sure about the information. According to them, WhatsApp company works hard to provide Quick Reactions, since they become quite popular on Instagram and Messenger. This way, users will be able to express emotions in the status update without the urge to send individual messages to everyone.
According to the information, WhatsApp plans to reveal 8 emojis that users can use as their status reactions. Among them are: face with happy tears, hearts in the eyes, open mouth’ face, praying hands, crying face, hundred points, and party popper. For now, there is no official information about whether users will be able to change the reactions, customizing them up to their preferences. All we know is that the new feature is still in development and will be revealed someday in the feature.
Do you want to use new emojis in the status? Are you a WhatsApp fan? Express your opinion about the new changes in the comments below.