High-Budget Franchises Face Challenges in the Mobile Gaming Market

  • Sam Delton
  • 24 Jan 2025
High-Budget Franchises Face Challenges in the Mobile Gaming Market

The landscape of mobile gaming has become increasingly complex as major publishers attempt to tap into its vast audience. While traditional gaming outlets often highlight releases for PCs and consoles, mobile platforms boast a much larger player base and potential for profit. However, these mobile users typically prefer games that are straightforward, brief, and easily integrated into their everyday lives, leading to challenges for high-budget game adaptations.

Publishers are eager to transition beloved franchises into this profitable arena, yet they often misjudge what mobile gamers desire. Players generally shy away from complicated experiences that demand significant financial investments and high-powered devices. Capcom's experience with the Resident Evil 2 remake illustrates this disconnect. Despite being a popular franchise, the mobile adaptation has has faced challenges in building momentum since its introduction.

Following its introduction, fewer than 10,000 individuals downloaded the iOS version while it was priced at $10. The situation worsened after the price increased to $40 on January 7, resulting in fewer than 200 purchases. In total, the revenue generated from the mobile version of Resident Evil 2 Remake amounts to approximately $100,000, a figure that appears minimal for a title of such prominence.

This result prompts inquiries regarding the future of high-budget titles in mobile gaming. Will major publishers reconsider their strategies in light of these disappointing results, or will they persist in attempting to fend off the realities of player preferences in the mobile arena?